Friday, August 14, 2009

meh ferrst bLouG!

Most of the pepl take their 1st blog 2 b kind of a self introductory 1.. So, i wont b a prat n beg to differ bt ill make it brief n informative.. much like a resume.. NOT!. So im sidhant.. used 2 b siddhant bt many thanx 2 ze moron who fixed my 10th grade certificate *rubs fist*, so stuck with a single D, and i want 2 kill that bastud. Aanyway, _syD! to be more uber-over-the-head-geek-gamer-with-no-social-life, bt i think its coolio (Caps ON) n makes my name stand out, well 2 most of us :D. Im in my early twenties, confused, miscalculated, unjudged o_O (ref. blogname) ahem, so a pretty much of another normal guy not a care in the world. Big day dreamer or in simple words "lazy donkey", u get my point. Not much of a big-word-using-blogger but i try. So thats that. Presently @ my village home, unpacking, moving shi.. err stuff, sorting things in home n life aswell. Living in the moment is fine, bt hey worrying for ur future doesnt come to be a big shocker if u have folks reminding you every minute. Presently working @ or, so, a struggler!Got loads of friends, BFFLs i like hangin' out with, well until a month ago, bt now they are all in their own way in life standing more or less where i am, not all of them ;). Not much of a loner bt cant understand girls neway :D.. who does though *snigger*.
Heh, well that wasnt what i call brief, so i bettr shut the fudge up!

cya 'rounD.

\m/ d(-_-)b \m/

Dialogue: I dont know about angels , bt its fear that gives men wings...
P.S: N yeah , Happy Independence Day !!