Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Kanpur-Delhi Tour . Part-1

Part 1 - Bhubaneswar to Kanpur (so fugging long, havta cut it in half.. and mind u, i aint getting 2 the details) Njoi the read rascala, i say!


So there i was, on my way to a 15 day trip outta my village home to the urbano wilderness.. Well when i say wilderness i dont mean all fugged-up pepl in hides and horns nw do i?..uh, u get my point. Okay, so i planned 2 take a pre-trip trip to bhubaneswar and hang out at my friend Tanmay's place, which was kinda refreshing. Roamed around a little, but stayed home a lot. So, as the day arrived, and with all my ID/Sim cards and documents in order, i boarded the train 2 kanpur (thank god cuz there wasnt a single chick 2 check out there). Then there in the compartment i met da same attendent i met in my previous trip 2 kanpur .. whom i spared some "bakshish" , recognized me instantly (guess the bakshish thing is a bit uncommon 4 him or he really was gratified or mebbe he was expecting a bigger slice this time, i digress). So we exchanged the usual greetings and how's every body at homes and i settled in the side upper berth of the compartment ( but did availed bonus extra pillow ,extra fluffy and a towel which is very uncommon nowadays). Later, noticing its null value, i shifted 2 da lower berth. The trip was not so eventful (cuz i slept the whole freaking time), except me choking on a crappy IRCTC aloo-chop and some chicks passing by 2 attend their nature's call. Not their nature to call, but their call from nature, not like a cellfone bt I-really-hav-to-go-to-the-bathroom call.. Err right! Moving on, and yeah, hangon, there was this guy who boarded at mughal sarai or kharagpur i dunno, who did reserve the lower berth bt didnt mind me all flailing on it as if it was my paternal property bt infact insisted me 2 sit there and have a chat. Not many times do i meet friendly pepl like him .. so we introduced ourselves and shook hands. Shaking hands is a very normal and friendly act, nothing odd about it isnt it? .. bt somehow it felt odd this time, kind of a half handshake .. A whole 3 second later i realized , he was missing a THUMB!!! A WHOLE FREAKING THUMB!! Just nothing after the index finger :O.. all thats left was this odd soft dark patch.. U should clap my shoulder cuz inspite of this sudden electrocution, i dint flinch at all, atlest outwardly bt in my mind i was like, "Oh My Freakin' GODDD!!! *echo* *echo* ....*echo*. When i got settled we had a very casual conversation, not like the one my gud friend " The G " had with this guy to IIT.. (Damnit, i always forget his name) and they eloped, got married, had triplets, named them "jo-hua" "so-hua" and "pata-nahi-kaise-hua" and lived happily ever after :D.. hey c'mon , its legal now :P !! Jokes apart, after the "Left 4 Dead" guy left :p, the whole trip went rather well, with me flailing on the lower berth, again, eyeballing anybody who sat there (getting rid of them eventually) and happily munching on Britannia little hearts which made the guy 2 my next berth give me odd looks ( Tin tin tidin) :D! Eventually i reached kanpur @ 9 am, and was greeted with nice maa-bhen ki gaali, not thrown at me, bt at sm other guy making me smile 2 myself and mutter "Welcome to UP bro" and look around at the same old rundown station with even more shabbier people and the creakiest rickshaws welcoming me in ever-so-warm way. In a distance my pre-booked guest house awaited my arrival with the smiling shiv bahadur bhaiya and his wife, baby khushi and his ever so rowdy brother, though he always smiled around me. It was being back 2 my old home.
I slept for about 6 hours, completely ignoring the fact that the room was booked on a sharing basis as my stuff lied scattered in the neighbouring bed. But the heat made me get up and take a bath ( yeah i do that sometimes, when its hot) got into fresh clothes and headed off to catch up with my old friends and then to reliance webworld mallroad which used to be my place of ZEN all the time i was in kanpur and used to do one thing and only one thing there .. play Counterstrike! I played 4 a brief period of time and soon enough i was back 2 da guest house with the uncles and all and had dinner with them, bloody old farts, wished i could throttle them with a wireless phone :P .One particular guy really gets to my nerves, hope his wife is looks like a hag and cooks like a witch, err, same shit whatsoever. Afterwards bhaiya told me that i have the room all by myself, the other shareholder had made arrangements for himself. So i had a peaceful sleep without worrying about a snoring fatass by my side.. the next day i had to do a lot of running for my certificates from the college to the university which are conveniently far away. Convenient for the people who built them cuz i'll have to blow them one at a time. And then after the hard work i got back to the biryani, my favourite biryani, and gnawed on the chicken legs like a starving hyena fresh outta hungerstrike. Later i went 2 the movie " G I Joe " with my ex-clanmate, manik "K H A L S A" bhaiya and afterwardst he treated my 2 a full course meal which included biryani, again and furthermore stayed over his place to copy all the movies and games that i had and in exchange got some good stuff. *Evil laugh*. So on this trip i learnt about a few more hacks to use stuff for free, pwned sm noobs and got reminiscing my good old days. Pity ill never live them back but hey, there cant be a present or a future without a past right, all we have to do is live along and gather all the precious memories as we pass by :). They fade with time, but hey, these are the things that make the journey worthwhile.